Tuesday 30 September 2014

Buddhist quotes - September

This month's quote is very short, and comes from the Gosho The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra.
To give a little background, this Gosho was written in 1276 and addressed to the lay nun Kōnichi, a widow who lived in Awa, the Daishonin’s native province. Her son had earlier converted to the Daishonin’s teachings, and through him she herself became a convert. Some time after this, her son died. But she overcame her deep sorrow and remained a sincere believer in the Daishonin’s Buddhism to the end of her life.
Here is a very little quote:
Nothing is more joyful to me than to have been born in the Latter Day of the Law and to suffer persecution because I propagate the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo.
I really need to etch these words in my heart.
I have been to hell and back recently, and on top of that I have not been able to write literally anything as I am ridiculously busy with school and activities.

After a fairly long stay in the world of Hell, I am now much better and happier and am not staring at a black hole where my faith used to be. Also, which is completely unrelated, I am enjoying my dancing like never before.

I have several posts coming, mainly concerning my journey to Hell, the Grade 2 exam preparation, my Gratitude diary, my dancing and my recent redoubled efforts in studying the New Human Revolution.

But for now, bye September,  you have really tried me, and I have won.

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