Sunday 15 July 2012

Sokas and Lilacs part the second (aka The Revenge)

If you have read a couple of posts here you know, but if you just happened to stumble on this blog today, I'll just tell you that I'm a bit obsessed about the whole topic of being a Lilac.

As a matter of fact the whole concept of this blog started with the post "It's not lilac-like" taking shape in my brain, and myself realising that my then blog was not the right place to post it.

So it seems fitting that the first request for a post would be on the topic of lilac-ing.

As I mentioned in that post, I had to do some research into the matter to write the requested article, because I pretty much didn't have a clue.

The anonymous commenter was happy with the result, which is all that matters really, but there was one little thing that kept nagging me. I managed to get a very clear picture of the different roles of Sokas and Lilacs (thanks to the Sokas I stalked, mostly), but I was still in the dark as to WHY things were this way.

So, when the other day I found myself at a Q&A session with the National Lilac leader, I couldn't resist, and asked.

Question: Why do Sokas and Lilacs have different roles in the UK?
Answer: A decision was made to keep the two groups separate, so the tasks were split.

There were mainly two reasons behind the separation of the groups. Firstly, which also reflected on the separation of the tasks, the concern with protecting the young women. The behind the scenes groups find themselves standing outside (which means on public roads), which depending on the area can put a young woman in an uncomfortable, exposed position.

Secondly, there were instances in the past of young women who found it embarrassing to discuss personal problems with male chiefs.

On top of that, it was deemed that separating the groups would have impacted positively on the creation of bonds of friendship within the divisions. Common sense, aye?

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